MUTAH University
Published Research
Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherDOITypeYearAbstract
Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherDOITypeYearAbstract
The effect of using visual feedback on learning some basic basketball skillsMANAL TAHADirasat- Educational SciencesAcceptable for publication JORDAN UNIVERSITYJournal2021
The Perceptions of sport science faculty students in Mutah University toward coeducation in practical lecturesMANAL TAHADirasat- Educational Sciences Under publication JORDAN UNIVERSITYJournal2021
Performance Evaluation Of Jordan Olympic Committee From The Persective Of Sport Federations Members in JordanJAMAL RABAB'A MANAL TAHAMutah for Humanities and Social Sciences Series3/34- 29MUTAH UNIVERSITYJournal2019
skill’s self-estimation and physical’s self-estimation for female volleyball players in Jordan and its impact on the accuracy of the performance of some offensive skills of volleyballMANAL TAHAEducation Journal of educational and psychological and social Research Azhar University 164/32Azhar UniversityJournal2015
Effect of using Reciprocal and Comprehensive Methods on Learning Some Volleyball SkillsMANAL TAHAEducation Journal of educational and psychological and social Research Azhar University 164/30Azhar UniversityJournal2015
The impact of the fitness and health course in the University of King Faisal on preparatory year students’ orientations towards the practice of physical activitiesMAEN ALSHA'LAN SALEEM ALJAZAZI MANAL TAHAEducation Journal of educational and psychological and social Research Azhar University160/28ALAZHAR UNIVERSITYJournal2014
Strategic PlanningManal TahaThe Conference of Integration Between the Outcomes of Education and Market in Public and Private Sector21Al Balqa UniversityConference2013
skill’s self-esteem and physical’s self-esteem for volleyball junior players in Oman and its impact on the accuracy of the performance of some offensive skills of volleyballManal Tahafifth Conference29Algeria University-3 Dali IbrahimConference2012
skill’s self-esteem and physical’s self-esteem for Female Volleyball National team players in Oman and its impact on the accuracy of the performance of some offensive skills of volleyballManal TahaUnpublished29Journal2011
Cognitive Knowledge for women in Oman about Osteoporosis and the Impact of Physical Activity on the DiseaseManal TahaUnpublished28Journal2010
Discriminative Psychological Skills For Volleyball Players And Its Relationship With Sport Motivation FeaturesManal TahaStudies and Consultations Center/Sanaa-Yemen30Journal2009
Cognitive Knowledge for women in Yemen about Osteoporosis and the Impact of Physical Activity on the DiseaseManal TahaStudies and Consultations Center/Sanaa-Yemen28Journal2009
Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherDOITypeYearAbstract