MUTAH University
Course NameAcademic YearDescription
Course NameAcademic YearDescription
Electric Circuits 1Second YearFundamental principles of circuit theory commonly used in engineering research and scientific applications. Techniques and principles of electrical circuit analysis, including basic concepts such as voltage, current, resistance, impedance, Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s law; basic electric circuit analysis techniques, resistive circuits, transient and steady-state response of RLC circuits; circuits with AC and sinusoidal sources, Power Calculations
Electric Circuits 2Second YearGeneral circuit analysis in Phasor domain. Three phase circuits and power calculations. Magnetic coupling and ideal transformer. One and two port networks transfer function and complex frequency. Resonant circuits filters types, analysis, and design, applications of Laplace and Fourier transforms in circuits.
ElectromagneticsThird YearElectrostatic fields and steady Magnetic fields laws and theories, Forces, materials, Resistances, capacitance and inductance of different geometries. Laplace's and Poisson's Equations. Introduction ,Static electric field; static electric field in dielectrics, electric current; the static magnetic field due to electric current; magnetization and magnetic fields; Ampare's Law, Magnetic Flux and Guass's Law; Forces, materials, Resistances, capacitance and inductance of different geometries. Laplace's and Poisson's Equations. Time
Signals and SystemsSecond YearComplex numbers, Time and frequency domain representations and analysis of signals and systems. Convolving and linear input-output systems in continuous and discrete time. Fourier transforms .Fourier series for continuous and discrete time-signals, Laplace and Z-transforms
Fields and WavesFourth YearTime varying fields; Faraday's and Lenz's laws; transformer and motional electromotive force; displacement current;; Maxwell's equations; wave equations; time-harmonic fields; complex phasors; scalar and vector potential functions ;EM Waves and generation experiments; plane waves propagation in vacuum; plane waves in dielectrics and conductors; EM waves polarizations; skin effect; electromagnetic energy and power; Poynting's theorem; reflection and refraction of plane waves at dielectric interfaces; Snell's laws; Fresnel formulas; critical angle; total internal reflection; total transmission; Brewster's angle; standing waves; transmission line theory; TEM waves; transmission line parameters; lossy and lossless lines; matching of transmission lines to their loads using Smith Chart.
Antennas and Waves PropagationFifth YearAntenna principle of operation, radiation&nbsp; mechanism, types&nbsp; of&nbsp; antennas and theirs <br>Parameters, dipoles, wire-antennas, microstrip patch antennas, arrays, and models <br>of propagation. <br>
Microwave EngineeringFourth YearReview of Maxwell&#39;s Equations, types of transmission lines and modes of propagations wave impedance and characteristic impedances, Microwave waveguides,. Resonant circuits, losses and Q-factors, Microwave Networks parameters. Microwave passive devices: couplers, T, Magic T, Isolator, Circulator, ,
Antennas and Microwaves LabFifth YearDesign and simulate RF and Microwave circuits and antennas. Students use CST Microwave Studio to simulate, verify, and optimize their design. Students learn how to measure radiation patterns.
Numerical Methods and Data AnalysisSecond YearError Analysis: Approximations and Round-Off Errors. Truncation Errors and the Taylor Series. Roots of Equations: Bracketing Methods. Open Methods. Roots of Polynomials Linear Algebraic Equations: Gauss Elimination.LU Decomposition and Matrix Inversion .Special Matrices and Gauss-Seidel.&nbsp; Curve Fitting: Least-Squares Regression. Interpolation. Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Newton-Cotes Integration Formulas. Integration of Equations. Numerical Differentiation. Ordinary Differential Equations: Runge-Kutta Methods. <br>
Optical CommunicationsFifth YearIntroduction theory of transmission on optical fibers, sources, lasers and LEDs, detectors PIN and APD . Transmitters and receivers and the effect of noise. Optical Networks. Optical Link budget analysis. WDM.
Digital Communications and Communications Systems LABFifth YearSampling, Quantization and coding. Quantization errors. PCM and demodulation. ASK,FSK,&amp;PSK. The relation between channel capacity, probability of error and signal to noise ratio and band width.
Analog Communications LABFourth YearMeasurements in the essential communication circuits. Modulators and demodulators super heterodyne receivers. Single sideband generation and demodulation.
Electric Circuits LABSecond YearExperiments in DC circuits; circuits theorems; DC responses of RL, RC, and RLC; AC waveforms characteristics; three phase systems and power measurements; filter circuits
Electronics LABThird YearMeasurement of the diode characteristics Applications on diode circuits, Transistor characteristics bipolar and FETs. Amplifiers, oscillators, Timers
Digital Logic DesignSecond YearAn introduction to the fundamental principles of digital systems design, focusing on both combinational and sequential logic circuits. Students will explore various number systems and how they are used in digital systems, followed by the design and analysis of combinational logic circuits. The course will delve into the design process using standard building blocks, covering arithmetic functions, finite state machines (FSMs), and sequential circuits. Key topics include FSM analysis and design, registers, counters, and an introduction to memory basics.
Digital Design and Microprocessor LabSecond Yearhis lab is designed to teach students about the function of the individual logic gates such as AND,&nbsp; OR, and NOT gate, and how they can be connected in different structures to build basic computing&nbsp; components like adders. Several types of circuits are described in this lab including arithmetic&nbsp; circuits (adders and subtracter), data handling circuits (decoder and encoder) and sequential logic <br>circuits such as counters. The internal structure of each circuit is described in detail, which shows the used logic gates and the nodes (pins) connection and their functionality (input-output) <br>characteristics. Additionally, circuit simplification techniques are also introduced. For the practical&nbsp; side, in this lab, the student builds the circuit for each experiment using a Breadboard that is&nbsp; mounted on a specific test kit to check the correctness of the circuit’s input-output relation
Power Systems 1Fourth YearPower system components; single line diagram; per unit system; transmission lines: parameters, equivalent circuits, analysis, and power circle; power flow; active and reactive power control;&nbsp; faults analysis: short circuit fault analysis, open circuit fault analysis, protection
Electronics 1Third YearThis course aims to provide students with information about : Semiconductor Materials ,Doping ,N-type and P-type semiconductors, the PN junction, Diode Operation Diode Models <br>,Half-Wave Rectifiers, Full-Wave Rectifiers, Power Supply Filters and Regulators, Diode Limiters and Clampers, Voltage Multipliers, Solar Power as an application The Zener Diode, LED,Photo-diodes,Varactor diodes. Bipolar Junction Transistors(BJT) :Operation ,Structure, <br>Characteristics, and Biasing. BJT as an amplifier and switch. DC load line and the Q-point. BJT configurations :CE, CB,and CC. Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET) :Characteristics ,parameters,and Biasing. D-MOS and E-MOS : Analysis and Design of amplifier circuits (common source,and common drain).
Electronics 2Third YearBiasing of discrete BJT and MOSFET . BJT amplifiers. MOS Amplifiers. Analysis and design of different configurations. Cascade Amplifiers Circuit. Frequency analysis of BJT amplifiers and MOSFET amplifiers. Bode plots. Operational Amplifier. Differential Amplifiers. <br>
Probability and Statistics in Engineering Second YearAn introduction to the application of probability theory and statistical methods in engineering, including design and manufacturing.
Image Processing and Robot VisionFifth YearThis course is designed for senior students in Electrical Engineering major to introduce them to the fundamentals of image processing and robot vision. The course covers topics related to images representations and images properties; image processing; segmentation; object recognition; objection detection and machine learning techniques utilized in computer vision application, such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning.
Internet of ThingsFifth YearThis course gives a foundation in the Internet of Things, including the components, tools, and analysis by teaching the concepts behind the IoT and a look at real-world solutions..
Mobile Communication SystemsFifth YearThis course is an introductory course into the industry of mobile communications systems and networks. It covers the followings: Fundamentals of Cellular Communications: cellular concept, coverage principle, frequency reuse understanding cell and cluster size concept. Interferences in mobile communications. Mobility management and hand-over. Understanding GSM/ UMTS radio principle (2G/ 3G), network planning and optimization. <br>Understanding LTE radio principle (4G), network planning and optimization. Introduction to 5G systems. Learning technical skills related to mobile communications industry: Understanding site survey, survey equipment and documents, Understanding drive test, Understanding antennas types and their installation
Digital Communication NetworksMasterThis course a comprehensive treatment to the theory and design of digital data communication networks. The evolution of ISDN thorough the integration of voice and data communication is examined. The theory, information transfer and existing&nbsp; protocols for digital communication network such as, computer networks <br>and radio communication networks such satellite and mobile radio. The means and methods for data modulation / demodulation and coding / decoding of information for these networks are also covered
Information Theory and CodingMasterThis course treats the basic concepts of information theory, determines channel capacity, and introduces the theory of rat distortion and presents the performance of various source codes
Research and Analytical MethodsFirst YearIn this, course students learn how to carry out different stages of scientific research starting from the formulation of research idea and finishing by writing and presentation of a technical report. Research types get starting of research, sources of information, research finding data and research design. <br>Students will learn how to define a problem and complete literature review using various resources including the engineering index journal list and other relevant internet sources
Satellites CommunicationsMasterSatellites play a major role in telephone transmission, television and radio, computer communications, navigation, and military command and control. <br>The course caters for the strong demand for electrical engineers who <br>participate in all segments of the industry, ranging from satellite and earth station manufactures to satellite channels. It provides these engineers with an appropriate background in satellite technology, link design and operations. The student is expected to have completed the usual undergraduate courses in physical electro-magnetic fields, communications, electronics, and microwave engineering.
Course NameAcademic YearDescription