MUTAH University
Course NameAcademic YearDescription
Course NameAcademic YearDescription
PesticidesThird YearThe objectives of this course are to teach the students the followings: <br>- History, industry and importance of pesticides <br>- Pesticides&#39; classification, formulations and applications <br>- Toxicity, hazards, regulations and safe handling of pesticides <br>- Pesticides’ groups <br>- Mode of action and pest resistance <br> <br>It is expected that each student, at the end of the course, should know how to apply pesticides in a safer manner to protect crops. <br>
IPM for Insects and mitesFourth YearThe objectives of this course are to teach the students the followings: <br>- What is IPM? Why IPM? <br>- The main concepts of IPM. <br>- The history and benefits of IPM. <br>- The main IPM methods. <br>- Different case studies using IPM <br>- Adoption of IPM techniques by Jordanian growers. <br> <br>It is expected that each student, at the end of the course, should know how to plan for a successful Integrated Pest management program to be applied in Jordan using different control measures. In addition, a student should know how to transfer knowledge from the class room to the farmers in greenhouses and/or open fields. <br>
Economic Insects Third YearThe objectives of this course are to teach the students the followings: <br>- Different control methods <br>- Insect pests of vegetables and cereals <br>- Insect pests of fruit trees: Rosaceous and Almonds <br>- Insect pests of olive, grapevine and citrus <br>- Insect pests of date palm <br>- Insect pests of ornamentals <br>- Laboratory part aims to provide the students with knowledge to diagnose insect infestation and damage to take the control action. <br> <br>It is expected that each student, at the end of the course, should know how to recognize and diagnose the symptoms and damage of the different insect pests and how to control them. In addition, a student should know how to transfer knowledge from the class room to the farmers in the greenhouses and open fields. <br>
Biological Control First YearThe objectives of this course are to teach the students the followings: <br>- Biological control concepts, history and types. <br>- The importance of biological in relation to other control measures. <br>- How to purchase and release natural enemies. <br>- Interaction of plant-pest-natural enemy and combined use of natural enemies. <br>- The need and potential of biological control and its status in Jordan. <br> <br>It is expected that each student, at the end of the course, should know how to plan for successful biological control programs to be applied in Jordan whether using local or exotic natural enemies. In addition, a student should know how to transfer knowledge from the class room to the farmers in greenhouses and/or open fields. <br>
Beneficial InsectsFourth YearThe objectives of this course are to teach the students the followings: <br>- Background about beneficial insects <br>- Productive insects: Silkworm, Honeybees and Lac insects <br>- Useful Insects <br>- Helpful insects <br>In addition, this course aims to provide an understanding of the beneficial insects and their positive role in the agro-ecosystem and food safety. At the end of the course, students should be able to discuss the nature of beneficial insects and describe their benefits for the human being. <br>
Medical and Storage InsectsFourth YearThis course aims to provide an understanding of the medical and stored insects and their adverse effects on humans, animals and stored products. At the end of the course, students should be able to discuss the nature of medical and stored products&#39; insects and describe their control measures.
EntomologySecond YearThe objectives of this course are to teach the students the followings: <br>- To give an introduction of entomology <br>- The insect external and anatomy: Body wall, body regions (Head, thorax and abdomen). <br>- The insect internal anatomy (Respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, muscular and reproductive systems). <br>- Insect orders&#39; identification. <br> <br>It is expected that each student, at the end of the course, should know the insect external and internal anatomy. In addition, a student should know how to classify the insects to the order level in the laboratory, greenhouses and/or open fields. <br>
BeekeepingSecond YearIt aims to teach the students the honey bees&#39; history, important, classification, colony life, honey bees&#39; external anatomy, honey bees&#39; internal anatomy, apiary establishment, beekeeping equipments, hive description and parts, honey bees&#39; products, activities and behavior of honey bees, management of honey bees&#39; colony, the use of honey bees for crop pollination, honey bees&#39; pests and problems, and injury to honey bees by poisoning.
Practices in Agricultural ExperimentsFourth YearEach student should know what are agricultural experiments, their types and ways of conducting them as well as the different experimental designs. Moreover, each student should know how to plan, prepare and conduct experiments, analyze the results and make the statements of conclusions and recommendations. Also, students should know how to write a scientific paper.
Principles of Pl. ProtectionSecond YearThis course aims to provide an understanding and appreciation of crop pests and the practices for their management and control. At the end of the course, students should be able to discuss the nature of crop pests, describe the major crop pests, and know the management strategies of plant pests.
SeminarFourth YearThe seminar course aims to improve the student’ skills to write a scientific paper, how to use the available references, and to connect the information available in the different resources as well as to put them under one topic. Also, the course aims to enhance the students’ oral skills through delivery their presentations. However, each student should do the following:Select a scientific subject taking into account the agreement of the course lecturer. Looking for the references that related the topic selected. And it is preferred to be from reviewed journals. Make a schedule plan for the work with the cooperation of his supervisor. Citation of the references should be scientifically.
Principles of Plant ProtectionSecond YearThe objectives of this course are to teach the students the followings: Importance of plant protection and pests and types of plant pests. Conditions which promote plant pests. General management approaches of plant pests. Important insect pests of major crop and damage caused by them. Important disease pests of major crop and damage caused by them. Mites, nematodes and weeds and their control. The need and status of plant protection in Jordan. <br>It is expected that each student, at the end of the course, should have an understanding and appreciation of crop pests and the practices for their management and control. Furthermore, students should be able to discuss the nature of crop pests, describe the major crop pests, and know the management strategies of plant pests. In addition, a student should know how to transfer knowledge from the class room to the farmers in greenhouses and/or open fields.
Course NameAcademic YearDescription