MUTAH University
Course NameAcademic YearDescription
Course NameAcademic YearDescription
Operation Research 2101303Third YearOperations research offers a scientific approach to decision making, most commonly involving the allocation of scarce resources. This course develops some of the fundamental methods used. Topics include: linear programming, the simplex method and its linear algebra foundations, duality, and sensitivity analysis, the transportation, assignment, and transshipment models, the critical path method, network model.
Principles of Management (2) 2101200First YearThe course introduces you to the fundamental concepts and principles of effective management using as the basic framework the tasks of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling; the major concepts of service and how to build the service system to create customer value; operational and organizational issues; and some of the management processes and tools for managing a service operation. The course covers the core functional areas of operations, marketing, human resources, and finance; their interrelationships; and the strategic concerns of each functional area to successfully deliver the service. The course further provides experiential exercises and tools for decision making for management and explores contemporary leadership practices and management trends including the impact of globalization and information technology on management.
Computer Application in Business 2101304, 2101305Third YearThis course designed to provide students with solid understanding of the use and impact of computer and IT in business today. The model also help students and acquire the competence for utilizing ready-made software such as Word processing in designing electronic business documents, Excel in preparing spread sheets, QSP, SPSS, and the internet that widely used in today’s business.
International Business 2101350, 2101351Third YearThis course attempts to recognize the global business environment, understand how culture affects all aspects of international management, appreciate the cultural variables in the communication process, learn how to prepare for cross-cultural business negotiations, understand why companies engage in international business. <br>This course focuses on the challenges and opportunities associated with organizational management and business strategy in the global environment. Students will gain a general overview of the process and effect of internationalization in contemporary business, along with an introduction to theories, concepts and skills relevant to managing effectively in today’s global environment. Students will be challenged to integrate knowledge they have gained from other business core courses and apply their accumulated knowledge to business case studies. Students will engage in active research and analytical problem solving related to managing in the international environment. <br>
Strategic Management 21011449Fourth YearManaging an organization in itself is extremely challenging as functions, roles and lines of business must all interact seamlessly in order for an organization to be truly efficient and effective.&nbsp; This task becomes even more daunting as market share decreases due to a global economy and a slow recovery from a financial crisis.&nbsp; Paying attention to one bottom line is difficult far less two. <br>This course focuses on questions of mission and vision (&quot;What areas or activities should we be working in?&quot;) and on questions of strategy and operations (&quot;How can we perform effectively in this area?&quot;). We will cover both strategy formulation (&quot;What should our strategy be?&quot;) and strategy implementation (&quot;What do we need to do to make this strategy work?&quot;). All organizations – government agencies as well as non-profit or private companies with a public purpose – face substantial challenges that demand strategic responses, often in uncertain economic, social, or political contexts. To deal effectively with these challenges, managers need knowledge and skills in strategic management: setting and aligning goals with the organization’s mission; handling complex trade-offs between demand for services and resource constraints; leading organizational change; defining measures of success; improving work processes; motivating staff and other stakeholders; cultivating relationships with relevant groups; and dealing with crises and environments in transition. In short, the course emphasizes the multiple, related requirements of the leader/manager&#39;s job: analysis, creativity, and action. <br>
Crisis Management 2101306 Third YearUnexpected events occur frequently in all aspects of our daily environment. Whether on a school playground, a university campus, a factory, a post office or a major corporation headquarters, understanding the importance and challenges to individuals when addressing crisis management or emergency situations is vital for the safety and security of human life, revenues, and reputation. <br> <br>This course on crisis management offers students the basics in identifying, preventing, and controlling crisis situations. Crisis management basics, from preparation to training and compliance are discussed, as are various stages of a crisis, and the need to establish a crisis management team. Clearly identifying the roles and functions of each crisis management team member is essential for the ultimate success of contingency planning, which is also discussed. <br> <br>This course also helps students identify potential risks or situations that may precipitate a crisis or emergency and learn approaches on how to respond to such incidents. The importance of communication and making instant and effective decisions is also covered, as are a variety of emergency response scenarios; from planning evacuation from a local elementary school affected by an earthquake to a major hospital suffering a massive power outage to the threat of a rogue employee. <br>
Management of Financial Markets 1901441Fourth Yearيعرف هذا المساق بالسوق المالي والمشاركين فيه، وظائفه وكفاءته. انطلاقا من الدور الكبير الذي تلعبه الاسواق المالية في الحياة الاقتصادية لأي دولة، ويتضمن تقسيمات السوق المالي، الادوات المستخدمة في كل منها مع تقيمها، حساب العائد والمخاطرة وتكوين المحافظ الاستثمارية. ينفرد هذا المساق بالقاء الضوء على سوق عمان المالي تاريخيا وتنظيميا محاولات عولمة هذا السوق وصور الابداع المالي الممكن إدخالها له.
Control Management 2101409 Fourth Yearالرقابة الإدارية كأحد الوظائف الادارية تتناول جهود الأفراد في المنظمة لتنفيذ الخطة الموضوعة مسبقا من اجل تحقيق الاهداف المرغوبة. يتناول هذا المساق مفهوم الرقابة الادارية استخداماتها اهميتها، عناصرها، ومجالات وأنواع الرقابة الإدارية. كذلك دراسة رقابة كمية و جودة الانتاج ، رقابة المشتريات والمخزون، رقابة الافراد وتقييم الأداء، ورقابة وتقييم التسويق، والرقابة المالية والميزانية كأداة رقابية.
Organization Theory 2101416Fourth Year
Statistical Application in Business 2101Third Year
Operation Management Third Year
Strategic Management 2101450Fourth YearThis course focuses on questions of mission and vision (&quot;What areas or activities should we be working in?&quot;) and on questions of strategy and operations (&quot;How can we perform effectively in this area?&quot;). We will cover both strategy formulation (&quot;What should our strategy be?&quot;) and strategy implementation (&quot;What do we need to do to make this strategy work?&quot;). All organizations – government agencies as well as non-profit or private companies with a public purpose – face substantial challenges that demand strategic responses, often in uncertain economic, social, or political contexts. To deal effectively with these challenges, managers need knowledge and skills in strategic management: setting and aligning goals with the organization’s mission; handling complex trade-offs between demand for services and resource constraints; leading organizational change; defining measures of success; improving work processes; motivating staff and other stakeholders; cultivating relationships with relevant groups; and dealing with crises and environments in transition. In short, the course emphasizes the multiple, related requirements of the leader/manager&#39;s job: analysis, creativity, and action.
Strategic Management 2101749MasterManaging an organization in itself is extremely challenging as functions, roles and lines of business must all interact seamlessly in order for an organization to be truly efficient and effective.&nbsp; This task becomes even more daunting as market share decreases due to a global economy and a slow recovery from a financial crisis.&nbsp; Paying attention to one bottom line is difficult far less two. <br>This course focuses on questions of mission and vision (&quot;What areas or activities should we be working in?&quot;) and on questions of strategy and operations (&quot;How can we perform effectively in this area?&quot;). We will cover both strategy formulation (&quot;What should our strategy be?&quot;) and strategy implementation (&quot;What do we need to do to make this strategy work?&quot;). All organizations – government agencies as well as non-profit or private companies with a public purpose – face substantial challenges that demand strategic responses, often in uncertain economic, social, or political contexts. To deal effectively with these challenges, managers need knowledge and skills in strategic management: setting and aligning goals with the organization’s mission; handling complex trade-offs between demand for services and resource constraints; leading organizational change; defining measures of success; improving work processes; motivating staff and other stakeholders; cultivating relationships with relevant groups; and dealing with crises and environments in transition. In short, the course emphasizes the multiple, related requirements of the leader/manager&#39;s job: analysis, creativity, and action. <br>
Entrepreneurship in Business الريادة في الأعمال 2101211Second YearThis course is designed for those interested in starting their own business, either as their primary income or extra income, including individual contributor businesses such as freelancers, contractors, consultants, and others in the gig economy. The curriculum is centered on three key aspects of entrepreneurship: 1) the individual, their traits, skills, and attributes that make entrepreneurs successful, 2) the business ideas, how to generate them, where to look for them, how to expand them, and 3) how to ensure they are valid business ideas with potential to meet profit goals. These elements, developed in the course, will assist any current or potential entrepreneur develop and grow a business now or in the future.
Managing Small enterprises 2101360 Third Yearتتناول هذه المادة شرح ماهية المشروعات الصغيرة أنواعها وتنظيمها وتمويلها وتطورها وكيفية إدارتها واهميتها في التنمية الاقتصادية للبلدان، وذلك من خلال تعريفه بالعملية الإدارية الخاصة بالمشروعات الصغيرة من تخطيط وتنظيم وتنسيق ورقابة، والتعريف بعوامل نجاح وفشل المشروعات الصغيرة، إضافة لتعريفه بالوظائف الانتاجية والتسويقية والمالية والشرائية وغيرها من الوظائف التي يمارسها المشروع الصغير.
International Business 2101351Third YearThis course attempts to recognize the global business environment, understand how culture affects all aspects of international management, appreciate the cultural variables in the communication process, learn how to prepare for cross-cultural business negotiations, understand why companies engage in international business. <br>This course focuses on the challenges and opportunities associated with organizational management and business strategy in the global environment. Students will gain a general overview of the process and effect of internationalization in contemporary business, along with an introduction to theories, concepts and skills relevant to managing effectively in today’s global environment. Students will be challenged to integrate knowledge they have gained from other business core courses and apply their accumulated knowledge to business case studies. Students will engage in active research and analytical problem solving related to managing in the international environment <br>
Organization Behavior 2101731MasterThis course aims at introducing students to human behavior in organization which includes:&nbsp; The development of the field, its relation to other social sciences, individual behavior, personality, perception, learning theory, motivation, and the study of groups and its effects on individual, and the study of the process in the organization such as leadership, communications, conflict, organization development
Course NameAcademic YearDescription