MUTAH University
Funded Research
Project TitleDateSponsorsParticipantsQuantity JD
Project TitleDateSponsorsParticipantsQuantity JD
Foot-steps Tile Project to Generate electrical energy 2016-2017International Samsuge-JordanThe Idea:-  The idea is a floor tile that would convert the kinetic energy from a footstep into electricity,” in another words “Every time someone steps on the tile, they generate watts of power.  The energy is stored within batteries, and then used to power lighting when it’s needed. It’s an off-grid power source for cities.  The technology that makes it possible -- the piezoelectric effect -- is more than 130 years old: in 1880, the brothers Jacques and Pierre Curie discovered that placing crystals under pressure produced an electric charge.
Project TitleDateSponsorsParticipantsQuantity JD